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Jake: Pirate Body Swap!

(The episode starts with Oscar the Octopus and Sammy the Seahorse emerging out of the waters into Never Land; they then notice the viewers)

Oscar: Oh, hi there! I'm Oscar!

Sammy: And I'm Sammy!

Oscar: We're on a treasure hunt with our friends the Never-Land Pirates.

Sammy: Yeah! Because today is show-and-tell at Mermaid Lagoon, and we're asked to bring... a mysterious gem yesterday.

Oscar: No one knows what that gem is, but I heard that it can swap a person's body and voice with another person's body and voice... and it lasts forever and it never wears off.

Sammy: Forever? Why is that, Oscar?

Oscar: You'll see, we'll also become the new protectors of Neverland.

(Jake, Izzy, Cubby and Skully walked up to the shore)

Sammy: Ooh! Here comes our friends Jake, Izzy, Cubby, and Skully! Let's see what they're up to!

(Oscar and Sammy swim up to Jake, Izzy, Cubby and Skully)

Oscar: Hey guys!

Sammy: Hi fellas!

Jake: Ahoy, Oscar!

Izzy: Hello Oscar!

Cubby: Hi Sammy!

Skully: Crackers! It's good to see you, Oscar and Sammy!

Sammy: Yeah! Actually, I know where that mysterious gem is!

Skully: Really? You do? Well, tell us, Sammy!

Sammy: It's in that cave over there! (goes over to the cave with everyone else)

Oscar: But it's Captain Hook's Hidden Treasure Cave! How do you know that gem is inside there?

Sammy: Because there is another part of his cave.

Jake: Follow me, mateys! It is right inside in there!

Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy: On it, Jake!

(Everyone walks into the cave in search for the mysterious gem)

Oscar: (echoing) Hello!

Izzy: Nice echoing, Oscar!

Sammy: I like that.

Skully: Crackers, look over there.

(everyone turns only to see a door on the part of the cave)

Sammy: (swims over to the door) Ooh.. is there a dinosaur behind this door?

Oscar: Maybe... but I think we better find out what it is.

(Everyone head through the door with a sign saying "Please open this trap door and find the gem, it lasts forever to switch your body and voice to become to brand new protectors of Neverland")

Jake: Let's open this door and see what's inside.

(Oscar opens the trap door to see a slide inside)

Izzy: Whoa!

Sammy: Wait a minute, that’s not a dinosaur! That is a slide!

Skully: Of course it is!

Cubby: Is that where the gem is?

Oscar: (pointing to the slide) Let's go down this slide and find out!

Jake: Right behind you, Oscar!

(They all go down the slide)

Izzy: This is fun!

Cubby: Of course it is!

Sammy: I think I kind of like it!

(They all zig zag and do a loop de loop and head straight towards a wall)

Sammy: Um.. Oscar?

Oscar: What is it?

Sammy: I think, we're about to crash into the wall RIGHT HERE!

(They crash through the wall as they land onto the ground and get up)

Jake: Is everyone OK?

Cubby: I think so.

Izzy: Me too, that was fun.

Sammy: Yeah, I know it was fun.

Skully: (spots something) Crackers, will ya look at that!

(The scene cuts to the gem which looks like the Splendor Gem)

Oscar: Is that what the gem looks like?

Izzy: It sure does!

Cubby: I wonder what it does?

Skully: Not sure.

Sammy: Does it give someone lots of sharp teeth?

Izzy: But I wonder what we should do?

Mysterious Voice: You can touch it.

Jake: What?

Mysterious Voice: By swapping your bodies and voices!

Izzy: Really?! That is so cool! When was this gem made?

Mysterious Voice: Well from what I could tell… the gem was made out of pearl by the Forever Tree, and some 5 pirates found it. Until they swapped bodies and never changed back ever ever again!

Jake: Wow, so that was so bad.

Mysterious Voice: I know it was? But what bodies and voices do you want to swap with?

Sammy: Maybe I could swap bodies with a girl!

Mysterious Voice: What bodies and voices should you swap with?

Jake: Captain Hook's mother Mama Hook!

Izzy: Captain Hook's love interest Red Jessica!

Cubby: Beatrice Le Beak!

Skully: Winger!

Oscar: Tinker Bell... but just the body. She doesn't speak though.

Sammy: And Nanny Nell! (Everyone looks at Sammy confused) What? It's usually Oscar who suggested this idea.

Mysterious Voice: Now put your things down and touch this gem.

Jake: I got my sword placed down.

Izzy: I got my pixie dust placed down.

Cubby: I got my map placed down.

Skully: Incredible!

Oscar: I just need to put my camera down and... (places his camera down) There! We got all of our things placed down!

Cubby: Ready, Oscar and Sammy?

Oscar: I am so ready for this!

Sammy: Me too!

(Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy touch the gem together)

Oscar: What's gonna happen now?

Izzy: Not sure.

(Suddenly, Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy's bodies and voices begin to change)

Cubby: (voice and body changing) Huh? (looks at himself)

Sammy: (gasps while his body and voice changes) Whoa! What is happening to us?

Skully: (voice and body changing) Crackers... I DON'T KNOW, SAMMY!

Izzy: (voice and body changing) Me neither, but... I THINK WE'RE CHANGING!

Jake: (voice and body changing) This... CAN'T BE... HAPPENING!

Cubby: (voice and body changing) I suppose... YOU'RE RIGHT, GUYS!

Oscar: (voice and body changing) I'm growing… wings!

Sammy: (voice and body changing) Here… it… comes, guys!

Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy: (screaming while their voices and bodies change)

(purple smoke covers the screen)

Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy: (coughing)

(the purple smoke uncovers the screen)

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Wow, that was purely weird.

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Yes, Sammy. It was.

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Zat be totally weird.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Then... I wonder what just happened to us?

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Not sure.

(They look at themselves and realize they're in Mama Hook, Beatrice Le Beak, Red Jessica, Winger, Tinker Bell and Nanny Nell's bodies and voices)

All: Whoa!

(The scenes show them now girls, all grown up

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) We look and sound just like girls! We got lipstick on!

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Amazing! This is SOOO fashionable!

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Wait, where's Oscar?

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Down here.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Huh? (gasps) Oscar! Look at you! You're a fairy!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Look at me! I can fly!

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): I guess you'll be called... Octo-Tink now!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): That's a good name, Sammy.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): It sure is! And the best thing? We're speaking just like real pirates!

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) We are? Oh wow, we really BE talking like real pirates!

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Me too! I think I like talking like a real pirate!

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) I kind of like this!

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Crackers, who knows what new adventures await?

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice) (gasps) Oh my! I look just like Captain Hook's childhood nanny! What about you guys?!

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) I look and sound just like Captain Hook's mother.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) I do so look and sound just like Captain Hook's very own love interest! So beautiful. (waves her orange curly hair.)

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Zut alors! I really don't want to end up like a sneaky pirate!

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Crackers, I think I just look and sound like Winger!

Mysterious Voice: That's great. Now remember, this gem never wears off, because it will keep you in your new bodies forever.

All: Forever?

Mysterious Voice: That's right, when you change into something, you're still in your new body, when you change back, you're still in your new bodies.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Oh right. Does that mean we'll be having a new name?

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): A new name? I've got one! It's called... the Super Buccaneers of Never Land'!

(Everyone laughs)

Mysterious Voice: No, that’s not it.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Then what new name should it?

Mysterious Voice: You will be called… the Pirate Girl Buccaneers!

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) The Pirate Girl Buccaneers?

Compass Star: (flies in) That's correct. You're now the brave--

Leo the Lionfish: (shows up) And dashing.

Compass Star: (looks amazed) And dashing... Pirate Girl Buccaneers!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Incredible!

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): It's gonna be fun!

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) That's right, Sammy! It is! I love our brand-new genders.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): I hope Captain Hook doesn't find out about this.

Mysterious Voice: Almost one more thing.

The Pirate Girl Buccanners: What is it?

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Ooh! What’s it gonna be?

Mysterious Voice: (shows the girls something, revealing that it has 3 wrist communicators for them along with some cellphones)

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Wow, what are these?

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): I don't get it. What are these anyway?

Mysterious Voice: These are the Pirate Wrist Communicators, they help you contact each other whenever you split up. You can also use these cell phones as well.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Hey, what about me?

Mysterious Voice: Sammy, this will help you out (shows a red purse)

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): What is that? Doesn’t look like a dinosaur to me.

Mysterious Voice: That is called a magic purse, Sammy. This is gonna help you. It is very sparkly, and it is also bottomless.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): And it's very awesome. (takes the magic purse with him)

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Wow, I be thinking these can help us out?

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Brilliant, I say we can contact each other when we split up

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Crackers, I say these are the best.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Awesome!

(The scene does a pixie dust transition to The Pirate Girl Buccaneers arriving on a shore in Neverland)

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) I can't believe we are going to become the new protectors of Neverland.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Me too. This pirate hat is so pretty.

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) I think I kind of like my new pirate outfit and pirate hat.

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) So what are we waiting for, Oscar? Let's go become the new protectors of Neverland!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): You said it guys, I bet my fair wings be very cool.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Speaking of which, where is that oddfish, codfish, sneaky snook named Captain Hook?

Captain Hook: (offscreen) (laughs evilly)

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) What was that?

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) (spots something in the bushes) Sammy, I think we have a problem!

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): You're right, guys! There's Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Sharky and Bones! And they're heading right towards the gem!

(Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Sharky and Bones pop out of the bushes)

The Pirate Girl Buccanners: CAPTAIN HOOK?!

Captain Hook: W-w-what?! Is that you, lads?!

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Yes, it us.

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice)

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice)

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice)

Captain Hook: (swipes the gem with a Hook plunger)

Oscar (Tinker Bell): What?! How did you-

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Uh oh… That codfish is at it again! Causing trouble!

Captain Hook: So long, poppin jays!

(Captain Hook runs off with Mr. Smee, Sharky and Bones as they board the Jolly Roger)

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Wait! Come back here, stop! You got to bring the gem back! It’s for show and tell!

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) There goes that gem!

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Now what?

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) What do we do now?

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Not sure.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Me neither.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) We gotta think of something to save that gem!

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Yeah, but how?

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice)

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice)

Oscar (Tinker Bell):

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice)

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice)

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice):


Song: Yo Ho Ladies Away:


The Pirate Girl Buccaneers:



(The scene does a pixie dust transition to a stage with Peter Pan on the podium)

Peter Pan: Attention Neverland! Jake, Izzy, Cubby, Skully, Oscar and Sammy had their genders changed, and now, since everyone had a great show and tell at Mermaid Lagoon. I present all of you to the one and only… PIRATE GIRL BUCCANEERS!!!

(The Pirate Girl Buccaneers walk onstage as everyone cheers)

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Oh, I look so gorgeous girls.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Me too.

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) So do I.

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) I am very beautiful.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): This is it! Here it comes!

Sammy (Nanny Nell): (in Nanny Nell's voice) I can't wait for Peter to hear this!

Peter Pan: So, girls, what do you think of becoming the new protectors of Neverland?

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) I like this, Peter!

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice)

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice)

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice)

Peter Pan: Good work, girls. You deserve it! (hands out badges to the Pirate Girl Buccaneers)

The Pirate Girl Buccaneers: Thanks, Peter.


Mysterious Voice: Now remember, girls. You five are the new protectors of Neverland.

The Pirate Girl Buccanners: Pirate Girl Buccaneers ahoy!


(Back on Pirate Island..)

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Alright! We did it!

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) We got the gem back and became the new protectors of Neverland. Do we look stylish?

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Now, let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest.

Song: Team Treasure Chest song:

All: ♪ Way-hey, well done crew ♪

♪ Everyone knew just what to do ♪

♪ Way-hey, with help from you ♪

♪ It's time to count our gold doubloons ♪

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice): Come on, count with us!

The Pirate Girl Bucanners: Yeah!

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): One, two...

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) three, four

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) Five, six...

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Seven, eight...

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Nine, ten.

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Yo-ho! We got ten gold doubloons.

(the gold doubloons fall into the treasure chest)

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) I am so proud that we all became

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Yeah, we also had a great show and tell at Mermaid Lagoon.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Of course we did! We be liking our brand new genders. We be all grown up.

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Girl style!

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) Well girls, there's one more thing.

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) What is it?

The Pirate Girl Buccanners: Rennovating our hideout!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): Wow, time to get rennovating!

(The scene then shows a montage of the Pirate Girl Buccaneers rennovating and redecorating Pirate Island and changing it's name into Pirate Girl Bucanner Island, changing Bucky's gender into female and renaming him Danielle and rennovating the Team Treasure Chest into The Pirate Girl Chest)

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) Good work, girls! Our hideout looks brand new.

Cubby (Beatrice Le Beak): (in Beatrice Le Beak's voice) It be better than ever.

Jake (Mama Hook): (in Mama Hook's voice) We also added a swimming pool, barbecue, patio, greenhouse, a hot tub and a make up room!

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Crackers, I know we did.

Oscar (Tinker Bell): (in Fairy Rock's voice) It be so girly and pretty.

Sammy (Nanny Nell) (in Nanny Nell's voice) It sure is Oscar.

Izzy (Red Jessica): (in Red Jessica's voice) We be going to have great new adventures in Neverland.

The Pirate Girl Buccaneers: Yarr! Pirate Girl Buccanners go!

Skully (Winger): (in Winger's voice) Crackers, That be a good catchphrase.

The Pirate Girl Buccaneers: Whenever there be lots of trouble in Neverland, the Pirate Girl Buccanners be always there to save the day!

Sammy (Nanny Nell): (in Nanny Nell's voice) And that's the beginning of the newly formed Pirate Girl Buccaneers!

Oscar (Tinker Bell): It sure is!

The Pirate Girl Buccaneers: Pirate girls ahoy!! (they take a selife)

(The scene then does a pixie dust transition to Compass Star arriving at the Jolly Roger.)

Compass Star: Now I just need to punish Captain Hook.

(He then blows a trumpet to send in the Octopus to the Jolly Roger.)

Captain Hook: (looks around) Well, at least it's not the crocodile.

(Suddenly, the Octopus appears and lands in front of Captain Hook)

Captain Hook: What in the blazes is this?! A giant octopus? This is not how I planned my day! Off with you, you slimy creature!
